
Welcome to Fieldside Thrift! We want to ensure that your orders are delivered to you in a timely an efficient manner. Please review the following information regarding postage and shipping on our marketplace.

Shipping Methods

Sellers are responsible for selecting and offering appropriate postage options for their listed items.If buyers have specific request, please contact seller.

Shipping Costs

Sellers select appropriate postage option based on size of parcel. Fieldside Thrift has reviewed industrpostage costs and recommended cheapest:
Postage weightAverage Cost
Letter – up to 100kg€1.00
Large Letter – up to 750kg€1.50
Small Parcel – up to 2kg€3.00
Medium Parcel – up to 20kg€5.00
Large Parcel – up to 30kg€13.00
The shipping cost for each item will be displayed during the checkout process. Business’s selling onFieldside Thrift will have their own postage amount.

Tracking and Notifications

All orders are to have a tracking number which should be provided to buyer if requested. This is essential for any disputes if buyer does not receive item.

Order Processing Time

Sellers to post item within 4 working days to the buyer. Business’s selling on Fieldside Thrift will have their own postage timeframe.

Address Accuracy

It is essential to provide accurate and complete shipping information when placing an order.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about postage, splease don’t hesitate to contact us at

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